Put the phone down……for a minute.

I recall one occasion where I almost lost my iPhone. I wasn’t paying attention & left it in the computer lab at my job. Lucky a coworker found it and returned it to me. Another time I didn’t lose my phone but it froze and I couldn’t get it to function again. Fearing it was broken, I took it to a local Apple store where an employee did a simple move and reset it for me. Those moments remind me how we become so dependent on a small piece of technology that without it, we seem lost.

One of the only times when I didn’t feel connected to the phone is during travel & vacations. And that is only because I was in places where cell phone reception was unavailable, such as aboard a cruise ship. Or overseas in countries with sporadic reception unless I wanted to pay exorbitant roaming charges.

But how truthful and accurate is this video? We get so focused on tweeting, face booking & instagramming every moment of our lives, we sometimes forget to live in and enjoy the moment.

My home in 140 characters & status updates

Found these pillows being sold at a local HomeGoods store. I don’t think there’s any gray area about this, you’ll either love them or hate them.

As much as I enjoy social media, the thought of incorporating it into my home decor crosses the line for me. Apparently a lot of folks agree, as these pillows were on sale in the clearance section.

What say you, folks?

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